The Lost Manuscript
Role: Editing, Narrative Design (Assistant), Playtesting, Research, Game Design
The Lost Manuscript is a interactive fiction game designed for use in advanced Mandarin language classes.
Students embark on a whirlwind tour of China and find themselves working to help find a priceless missing manuscript and chasing down clues to capture international thieves. The game's text is available in English and in Mandarin, and quizzes and midterm exams will be embedded in the game.
This game was a wonderful project for me, as I had just finished writing Chinese Mandarin IV and V for Pimsleur. I was able to give some insight based on what I'd learned during my time as that course's writer. Additionally, I had the privilege of working alongside Lee Sheldon and his team from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). I completed editing and did playtesting for this game, but I also wrote additional dialogue and copy as needed, helped brainstorm mini games, and researched everything to ensure accuracy and cultural correctness.